Courtesy of Donald Trump's and Bill Zanker's bestselling new book; "Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life"
  1. "Never Give Up"
    Donald Trump
    There are obstacles all around us in life and in the way of our dreams. The difference between a success and a failure can be determined solely by the individual's sheer determination to NEVER give up. Move forward at all times and keep the goal clear.

  2. "You have to love what you do or you are never going to be successful"
    Bill Zanker

    Life is all about Passion. If your job doesn't make you happy; Change it. If your relationship creates unhappiness; change it. It's that simple. Most of us don't take the time to simply identify our Passion and we just stick with what is "familiar". In the end our comfort zones will only serve to hinder our success and happiness in life.
  3. "Your gut is your best friend in making decisions"
    Donald Trump
    Learn how to develop, listen and trust your "gut-instincts", it won't be long before you hone this skill and use it as a sixth sense. Study the facts and data but when it is time to decide, go with your gut. It is wiser than you think
  4. "Be a Doer not a Dreamer"
    Bill Zanker
     So many of us have so many great and powerful ideas, yet we so often do nothing with them. The key to shift from Dreamer to Doer is simple; add Passion. Passion will add element and weight to ideas and bring them down to earth where they will manifest and thrive in your life.
  5. "The harder I work, the luckier I get"
    Donald Trump
    While it's true that some are born luckier than others, we can often "create our own luck". Intelligence and hard work often invite good luck into our lives. How many times has it come to pass that luck has come when we needed it the most? It often comes as an unexpected reward given for a job well done.

  6. "If you're thinking already, you might as well think big"
    Bill Zanker
    When tackling a new venture, or just attaining smaller life goals, remember to "Think Big" at all times. Practicing a larger than life approach will facilitate a power over any obstacle encountered, in any circumstance. "Thinking Big" makes the largest of endeavors that much smaller.
  7. "Be Paranoid"
    Donald Trump
    While it's not pleasant to talk about it by any means, it is a reality; people can be bad at heart. Be very careful when you hire or place somebody in any sensitive position of trust. Rose-colored glasses while pretty can have harmful effects on our lives and businesses, be paranoid and careful when it comes to your assets.
  8. "Walk softly and carry a big attitude"
    Bill Zanker
    Your attitude is more visible than you think. Everybody in our lives, both personal and business takes cues and reacts to their perception of our own self-definition. Walk purposefully, look straight ahead and make the world know that you know exactly who you are and where you're going, in business and life.

What do you think?